St Andrew's Church, Caversham

Welcome to the website of St. Andrew's Church, Caversham.

During Lent we have Meditation/Silent Prayer Monday- Friday 9am - 9.20am and Evening Prayer 5pm. You are welcome to drop in to that or either of our Lent Courses- just give it a try and come along!

  • Wednesdays 10.30am in church with the Mothers' Union: "Women of the New Testament"
  • Thursdays 10am in the vicarage: "Journeying through Lent with New Daylight"

Whatever the reason for your visit to our website, you will be able to find something here of the activities, purpose, and history of the Anglican Church in this parish.

We are the
Church of England  parish church for Caversham Heights, in the UK.

Our main services are livestreamed on our YouTube channel. (If you attend in person it is possible to avoid appearing in the livestream.) See Services for details.

To find us on the map, click here.

St. Andrew's parish is part of the deanery of Reading in the diocese of Oxford. We are also part of Churches Together in Caversham.

St. Andrew's was built in 1910. If you want to know about the history of the church please click here.

If you are interested in hiring the church hall, please click here.

The church is a group of people who are seeking to follow Jesus Christ in their individual and corporate lives. We try to do this through our worship, and by caring for each other and for our neighbours.

Our vision is to be
- a Christian people growing in a faith that is honest and life-changing
- a centre for community at the heart of Caversham Heights
- a blessing and support to our neighbours locally and in the wider world

Our services have a traditional format, but with a warm and friendly style. Click on the menu bar for details of our regular service times. You can also find out about the various activities based at the church here.

Many churches do not allow women to have leadership roles, or they teach that homosexuality is wrong, but you would not know that just by visiting them. St Andrew's is a member of Inclusive Church, which campaigns against all forms of discrimination.

Enjoy exploring. We welcome you to St. Andrew’s.

We're taking a break from this at the moment.

Every Thursday (except summer hols)- see calendar for occasional days when it's closed.

Currently children stay in church for the service. Some activities are provided.


Safeguarding: click on the image to view the parish Safeguarding contacts. (Click on Links to see the Safeguarding policy.)

Professional standard quarterly concerts.

Inclusive Church campaigns for the church to welcome all people as they are, and against discrimination of any kind.

The St Andrew's branch of the Mothers' Union- meets first Tuesday of the month 2pm in church.

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