
St Andrew's Church, Caversham

Regular Church Services

All Eucharistic services use Common Worship Order 1 Modern Language- unless stated "BCP" (Book of Common Prayer).

Please see also the church calendar for alterations to the usual pattern and for other events.

Monday - Saturday
9am  Silent Together- Mindfulness, Meditation, Silent Prayer

Monday - Friday
5pm  Evening Prayer (said service)

8am   Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, also live-streamed on our YouTube channel
11.30am BCP Eucharist- First Sunday of the Month only

Every Day
If you would like to say "the office" at other times of the day (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and so on), these can be found on the C of E website, and they change every day. Click here, scroll down and click on the office you wish to pray.

Baptisms, Wedding & Funerals

There is helpful guidance about baptism/christening here,
about church weddings here,
and useful information about arranging a funeral here.

If you are thinking of getting baptised, or having your child baptised (or "christened"), or you are thinking about getting married in church, then please contact the vicar, who will be very pleased to discuss this with you.

If you need to arrange a funeral, it is usual to contact a funeral director first, but if you prefer to talk to the vicar first you are very welcome to get in touch.
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